
Some random thoughts that fall under two broads areas.

  1. Art and Logic: My opinions on Art (personal expression) and Logic (reasoning, analysis, programming) and how they are complementary and intertwined.

  2. Art and Technology: I viewed Technology (computers, cameras, social-media) as fundamental to art making process in the beginning. Now I am skeptical and starting to think technology has too much—negative—influence on personal expression.

I am glad to receive the em.makaytas@kcabdeef

Art & Logic

  • In art, objects (paintings) are created through concepts—impression. In programming, concepts (programs) are created through objects—computers.

  • Practice is a way of programming our brain to solve analytical problems.

Art & Technology

  • Need is mother of invention. However, sometimes reverse is true. Invention can lead to a whole set of needs. Eg. No one was really needing smartphone. But once it was invented it lead to explosion in needs about apps.

  • Tech heavy art: Art is an individual expression. Art that relies on technology suffers from technological constraints and is far from individual expression. Eg. Photography, Computer-Graphics, Film-Making, Drawing on Tablets etc.

  • Technology can be better used as a new art-medium instead of using it to mimic existing art-mediums.
    Example: an iPad drawing app should embrace pixels as first class particles of new medium (eg. pixel art) and use programs to apply and alter pixels without physical constraints, instead of being a simple skeomorphic vehicle to mimic physical mediums and their mixing processes.

  • I have mixed-feelings about AI. Should I continue using it while acknowledging its negative effect on creatives?. I have resorted to a rule to make myself happy:
    “Use AI for discovery, but not for creation”.